Tezmarin Turizm ve Ticaret A.Ş
Tezmarin Turizm & Ticaret is founded in 1996 by Tezman holding and is one of the largest boat distributors in Turkey, with service offices Tezmarin deals out in every coasts of Turkey with its professional team. Tezmarin is the distribibutor of Beneteau Group which is a world leader in boat building with 120 years of experience. Tezmarin was in year 2006 the 3rd, in 2007 2nd and in 2008 the best distributor among the Beneteau dealers worldwide.
Piyale Paşa Bulvarı Kastel İş Merkezi D.Blok Kat:2
34440 Kasımpaşa - İstanbul
t. +90 (212) 256 42 22 - 238 25 79
f. +90 (212) 237 50 60 - 255 34 55